1st Shelton Lock GSL/Cubs report

It’s been a really busy 6 months since we re-started Beavers and Cubs in February. Really delighted to say we now have a Beaver Leader (Emma) now in place which is fantastic. We are still looking for people willing to assist Emma running the Beaver section, this can be just once a month, every week and only just coming along to support. Please do let us know if you think you may be interested.

Cubs has also been running alongside Beavers and Emma has kindly been providing her assistance to Cubs as well, but we know that isn’t something we can sustain for too much longer. We have a couple of people interested in getting involved with running Cubs and thanks to them for coming forward, but we need some more volunteers to make this more sustainable. One of the big benefits once we have dedicated helpers for Cubs will be for them to go and do some other activities away from the hut which is difficult just now for the current leaders due to needing to be there for Beavers too.

Cubs is also running really well in terms of programme. We have 17 cubs currently and they have now been split into their sixes. As part of this structure, we have a leader of the six (sixer) and a deputy called a seconder. It’s a great opportunity for the cubs to take on some responsibility as they get older before moving on to the Scouts!

Cubs have been starting to work through the outdoors badge, with aims for us to look at going camping in the second half of the year. That can only happen though with more leader support. So please do have a think if you may be able to spare a bit of time!

Finally a huge thank you to the Exec for their support, to Emma taking on the Beaver Leader role and to Mandy for all her support for the sections since Christmas time.

Thanks everyone!