
Brownies have maintained 28 – 32 brownies.

We continue to give the girls a mix of programme related evenings which counts towards their skills builder badges and theme badges and non programme stuff to give variety and difference including a ready steady cook night,

We have done a community litter pick and invited an outside agency in to teach the girls first aid. We attended a district Thinking Day event with members from Chellaston, Sinfin and Allenton units.

We enjoyed a special exclusive Girlguiding screening of Matilda along with other members of the district. We like to try new things and this year we tried ice skating at Derby market place.

Residentials:  we had a movie sleepover at the hut and a weekend at Larch Hall, Drum Hill where we went on the assault course, bouldering wall, made dens and had fun making crafts.

We continue to support the War Memorial Village and this year we attended Remembrance Sunday and their Carol concert.