Beavers Events, Cubs Events
3rd November 2021 The first week back after the October half-term saw the beavers and cubs do some activities based around cooking and Bonfire night. Both made chocolate apples and both had sparklers. Beavers also learned soft archery. Cubs played the game black...
Beavers Events, Cubs Events
During the half term, the beavers and cubs have been sharing with the group the pictures of their Pumpkins, some very talented youngsters....
Beavers Events, Cubs Events
20th October 2021 The beavers and cubs had separate paries but they both enjoy playing and taking part in games. Teamwork played a vital part in the playing of the games. Flour was involved. Games: wrap the mummy, musical chairs, eat the Malteser, musical bumps,...
Beavers Events, Cubs Events
The beavers and cubs have donated tins, non-perishables to St Edmunds Church for their harvest service, where the food will be distributed through their food bank....
Beavers Events, Cubs Events
September 22nd, 2021 Tonight saw the cubs design and make a key holder. Thye first designed on a piece of paper what they would like to see on their pre-cut piece of wood. They then transferred that design onto the wood. They then attached the cup holders....