
Brownies is about trying new things that teach girls aged seven to 10 about themselves, their community and their world.
Introduction to Brownies
Brownies is about trying new things that teach girls aged 7 to 10 about themselves, their community and their world.

Brownies introduces girls to a world of new opportunities, challenges and fun. Girls go along to holidays, day trips and sleepovers.
They get together with their friends at regular meetings where they learn new hobbies, get creative, explore other cultures and have outdoor adventures.

As well as trying activities in their meetings, girls choose from interest badges related to things they want to know more about.

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January 2024 – Tool school

Brownies learnt to use a screw driver and successfully screwed a screw in & out of a block of wood. They also hammered a nail into wood and played a game to name and describe different tools used around the...

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Outdoor Gallery 2018